5 Required book bookreview

The Penguin And The Leviathan

It is interesting and challenging for me to reflect on the dynamics of cooperation and working in collaboration to both in the 21st Century. The author gave good examples of people acting cooperatively or altruistically and how our societal systems fail to recognize this. This challenges me to think about the present and future church cooperative system and ministry.

Net Smart

This is a perfect book for me because I really want to know how to successfully navigate the Internet and integrate digital skills into our everyday life and digital ministry. It’s full of essential and very practical tips on getting the most from what technology has to offer while avoiding the various pitfalls of average users. It is very attractive to me that we are able to change how the internet works if we understand how participation and consideration can influence on more than ourselves. This kind of understanding of how to use the internet to get and share knowledge, information and wisdom, and build communities will put the power in our communities.

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I am very interested in disengaged believers and seekers into deep relationship that move easily form just digital space to our local churches, and hope that separated people from the church center or alienated believer can come back again to the warm digital ministry. This book has specific and detailed helpful suggestions to make good use of the tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) that are currently available to me.

Here Comes Everybody

Shirky provides insightful observations and meaningful examples of how new technology is making it easier for groups to organize, calling to question our assumptions about matters like professionalism and motivation, among others. At the same time, his observations provide principles that can be extended to other areas. For these reasons, this book is well worth reading and very helpful to reflect on my current ministry. It is clear that our social tools are dramatically developing our social ability to share, cooperate, and decide and act together.

The Christian Imagination

The four stories are very challenging for my understanding the problem of our deep brokenness into history of our Christianity, and to my imagining how we can orient our life together in church communities in such a way that God can begin to heal these wounds and transform us anew. Also this book challenges me to reflect on how our churches can begin to create the spaces of communion among our members and our neighbors. We are called to go in order to recover the intimacy for which we were created.

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